What condition are the USED books in?

We have very high standards when it comes to deciding if a used book is in good enough condition to sell.  We only sell used books that are in GOOD or LIKE NEW condition. Before being listed on the website, every book is carefully inspected to make sure there is no water damage, writing on the cover or inside (other than the previous owner's name), or other damage. We also do our very best to make sure no pages are missing. As teachers, we know that children can be hard on books, so we take the extra time to make sure that the books we sell are in GOOD or LIKE NEW condition.

How are you able to sell NEW books at such a low price?

All books marked as NEW on this website were purchased through book wholesale agencies that sell OVERSTOCK inventory from big box stores. That means a large retailer initially ordered too many of a given book and eventually decided to sell their excess inventory to a third party wholesale agency.  That wholesale agency then offers the overstock books for sale to small bookstores like ours.  All NEW books on our site were acquired in this manner. 

Please note that while they were never owned by a previous customer, they do all have a small black or red mark on the top or bottom of the book. This is a commonly used mark for retailers to make to indicate a given inventory item has been designated as overstock.

When will I get my order?

-Upon placing your order, you will receive an order confirmation to the email address you provide. 
-We then do our best to process and ship out your order as quickly as possible.  Our goal is to ship all orders within 24 hours of order confirmation. 
-Once the order is placed in the mail, you will receive an email with a tracking link so that you can track your order through postal mail (USPS) and see the anticipated arrival time.

Note: We use USPS's Media Mail option, which saves money on postage and allows us to charge less for our books.  This means there is a small chance that your package may arrive a little later than anticipated.  However, in our 8 years of running this bookstore and shipping packages through media mail, we have only seen a handful of packages be delayed, and generally only a few days.

Can I get a refund if I am not happy with my purchase?

If you are not completely happy with your purchase, we will happily give you a refund or exchange within the first 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked.  We only request that the item be in the same condition that you received it in.

What if I have questions about my purchase?

Please feel free to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns.   We can be reached via email at:  info@best-childrensbook-clearance-sale.com   We check this email daily and our goal is to respond back to all incoming email within 24 hours.